Hello Wolves,
As some of you may know we swapped the Clan we are 'fighting' against to X-LR for a few reasons, One we have played with them before they are good and reliable also the Ryjin clan havnt contacted me in over a week and i really wanted to get a match going before i go on holiday and sunday is basically the last chance 
Right here we go details:
Our team : Dazoo, Woody, Bryanna, Ganchan Subs/back up: Jingle, Fizo? Webley. Date and time : Sunday 15th of august 8 PM (GMT) Roughly 3PM (eastern)
4v4 4 rounds 2 maps (they will be decided in lobby) First two round We play as Predators Vs Aliens Third and Fourth rounds we play as aliens! (finally) 60 frags (kills) No time limit
Play fair! No bitching! Predators connot use Plasma Casters ( this is for them too )
Server name and password will be posted in the private forum here on sunday 
I will arange some back ups too! But hopefully the team can all make it
Good look wolves!
